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Commercial Demo

Narration Demo

BW FACE.jfif

J.B. Goodspeed, AKA Jacob Kuebler (Keebler), has been voicing, writing, and producing creative content for radio, film, and television for the last 25 years.  He was recognized as the host of "The Friday Night Game Show" on LIVE 105 in San Francisco and the narrator of "A New Dad's Survival Guide" featured at San Diego's Comic Con.  As a member of the voice talent roster for MLB Network, Keebler/Goodspeed brings attention and dedication to every project regardless of scope and budget.  Contact J.B. today to make your life SOUND a whole lot better!

Commercial Demo

Narration Demo

Audiobook Demo

Animation/Video Game
Character Demo

TV Promo Demo

Radio Imaging (Alternative)

Radio Imaging (Classic Rock)

Radio Imaging (Sports Talk)

Radio Imaging (HOT AC)

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